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the programmer is hard at work on the character creator for fenris high , but the thing is not just ready yet so there's nothing much to show on that front yet. On my side of things i'm keeping animating spooky scary skeletons, this time those wild bones taking a more traditional shape, putting on the humanoid skull and unsheating a bone club from it mouth.



the blue tongue seen in the previous animations was supposed to appear here too , this time on the bull's skull , but i forgot to draw it, so i had to edit it in after i was done with the animation. While i was there i had the bovine skull open its mouth so it looks more like a shield.



last but not least, the attack. My original idea was that the skeleton would kind of crumble after hitting the hard floor and pile up in a heap , but the programmer wasn't too enthused with how the animation turned out..


so now he kind of falls over and still crumbles into a pile of bones-


aand that's p much all i could do for this week - Hopefully next time i'll be able to show the progress we've done with fenris high. Until then, have a good one peeps!


Rodney Talon

Okay at oesst tried to crumble after Turing spine into sword.