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Hey folks.

I know you're all aware of my current situation regarding my course and my lack of time to deliver quality content in time. Still, I'd honestly want to apologize again for failing at updating more regularly (or any at all) this month. The new trimester began way tougher than I expected it to be, and before I realized I saw myself overwhelmed with work and exercises to deliver under narrow schedules. Aside from that, I've got my obligations towards my new pet, plus many other things I need to take care at home.

I don't pretend to sound like I'm giving excuses - I still feel sorry I can't live up to the expectation you guys have put on me and my work over the last few years. I'm just exposing the facts, explaining why I can't as much as I wish I would. Trust me if I say that I've got plans for more OC-related content. I just lack the most basic time and space to work on it.

I'm still deeply thankful with all of you for providing me with your support, even under these troublesome circumstances. Summer will be a much flexible time for me to get back on business, but in the meantime I have no choice but waiting and getting through this the best way I can.

I'm still open to suggestions in case there's anything else I can do to ease the wait for bigger content until I can breathe a little more. In the meantime, all I have once again is a huge thank you to you all and my promise that I won't let this place die.

Take care!



Do whatever you need to do lust. :) we know you doing your best.


Do you have time to upload Judith sequences on DA?


I've finished my current trimester, and I've got a week and a few days of vacation starting on Wednesday. So I should have the time for a few more uploads on DA luckily