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Hey folks!

Not sure if you recognize this old sketch featuring Seforah and my bunny 'self-insert' OC Nandah having an interesting conversation as they share a common passion (what could it be *ahem*). I decided it was about time to come back to it and give it a proper polish.

Among my many delayed projects and personal wishes is actually a somewhat-of-a-series featuring Seforah and her bodyguard/lover Aram together, having some relaxed banter while they also enjoy a shared common passion (again, what could it be *ahemahem*). I might use Nandah as the nexus, as I kinda want to take full advantage on 2023 being the Year of the Rabbit in many ways, and I might even go NSFW mode a bit while I indulge my own preferences when it comes to fetishes. I hope you guys don't mind! Rest assured, I'll keep doing my best to deliver varied content as far as my current super-busy schedule allows me to do.

Hope you like it so far!




Seforah is lovely. Just need to add a little more to her bindings I'd say ;)