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I am very sorry for the current delay. I'm in a creative dip, but I'm slowly getting over it. I can feel my will and productivity resurging. On the fifteenth at the latest, I'll push a small update, and then we can choose what we'll be doing going forwards. Preferably something that's not the dungeon. At that time, I'll also welcome all new patrons that have gone unwelcomed since the start of this period of lowered energy, and I'll get rewards for this month ordered and on the way.

I'm not sure yet if I'll be able to announce it on the fifteenth, but somewhere this month I'll be revealing something big for the future. I've worked on it on the side for the past couple of months, and I feel like I put a little too much drive into it as of late, which ended up culminating in the current downtime. That's my theory, at least. This announcement won't make up for the two weeks of lack of progress, but it'll be something, which is more than nothing.

Once again, I deeply apologize, but hey, this is my first crash in three years straight of making Kobold Adventure. And even then, it took a bit of overworking on a new project to make the bucket spill. This probably won't be the last period of downtime in the game's lifetime, but with some luck, it'll take a whole three years more before I need another break. Thank you for your continued interest in the game, and I'll see you all in a few days.



Don’t be to ambitious with these side projects where you bite off more than you can chew. It’ll take a toll on you. Stay easy man.


Good on ya, sometimes you just gotta walk away and not touch a keyboard for a week to refresh yourself. I'll gladly take a cooling down period over a full blown "Close all blogs, wipe the HDD and take up a new artist name" burnout.


You SHOULD be scheduling downtime for yourself. Last thing people want I'm sure is for it to effect you negatively, or at the very least the project.