What's up? (Patreon)
Writing is not going well at all. Over the past two weeks, everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. I have been slightly sick, exceedingly distracted, low on energy and lacking drive. For a few days, I felt like a soulless husk. I've been sleeping poorly, eating unhealthily (so no different than usual on those two fronts), trying and failing repeatedly to create simple things from writing to shaders.
The few times that I did manage to squeeze out some creative content, the results were quite alright. I've created a couple of pretty impressive-looking (if sort of excessive) fragment shaders. I've written a segment for the needle-persuasion from start to finish, but sadly not much more than that.
The update is already overdue, but I'm going to take a few more days to try and at least complete some more SFW segments of the Dungeon before calling it an update. Night Four is within reach, yet still so far away. I reckon that'll be a lot easier to write than what I'm making now, since I know exactly what I want from it. In many ways, the dungeon is more of a stepping stone; a waiting room for the drama that is about to unfold.
Anyway, lamenting aside, I'm preparing a few things for a big reveal later this month. The third anniversary of Kobold Adventure is coming up, and I've got something planned for it. Just you wait. My creative suffering will all be worth it in the end, or so I keep deluding myself.
Anyway, as I've been feeling quite a lot lately: I'm dead-tired. Thank you for your continued interest in Kobold Adventure, I'm sorry for being a failure, and I vainly hope to see you in a few days if my floundering is still worthy of your attention by then. Good night, but a horrible one to have a curse.