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Update 2.16 (Wombocombo), better known as the huge update, is now live. It entails a lot of things. A full list of changes can be found below.



-Added the running part of the hide segment in the woods. Screw up running, and you might end up in the clutches of your pursuers, leading to the enslavement route (which has no content yet, similar to the deepwoods).

 -Added Varanar, Morning Three, an entirely new scene with a lot of content, although you need a modicum of charisma (six) to be able to see most of it. This scene was guest-written by Tokage, although his work was heavily altered. Still, kudos to him!

-Added a new item, encountered in Varanar, Morning Three.

All in all, over ten thousand new words of content have been added, spread across these two scenes. Overviews can be found below. Thanks again to Tokage, for his incredible contribution!


-Added aMap. aMap is a way to browse the fancy scene trees I post on here, like the ones you can see below. This is extremely useful to those completionist amongst you who want to see all of the content available.

-Reworked loading. There is now a new form of loading available, called Advanced Loading. Advanced Loading is enabled by default, but can be disabled in the settings menu. I'll spare you the technical details, but basically it should drastically improve scene loading times. It is incompatible with hotloading.

-Added a new menu. The settings button has been replaced by a menu button, which opens up a fancy new menu containing a bunch of links to a lot of the different features. Not everything is in it yet, but things like fanart will be added at a later date. The contributions section will also receive its own unique page.

-The inventory button now blinks when in a safe zone or a store, because I could not think of another way to get people to realize they can use items if they just open the inventory tab in a safe zone. Note that the button will blink regardless of whether or not you have something to use or to sell.


-Sneaky has been resurrected through an occult ritual which required the sacrifice of one hundred and seventy-eight virgins. I think he struck some kind of deal with the devil to become the best artist in the world, because the new loading screen he drew looks incredibly good. You'll see it when you next start the game.


Besides all of these additions and changes, a tonne of bugs have been fixed, typos have been corrected and stuff has generally been improved (I hope).

Furthermore, while you probably don't care about this, the scaffolding framework has been improved, so linking together different scenes is easier than ever! This should help speed along development.

That's all for now. With three and a half new features, and one and a half new scenes, this is one of the biggest updates to Kobold Adventure so far. I worked my ass off to make this happen. I hope you all enjoy the myriad of disgustingly consensual sex.

I'll post what I'll be working on next tomorrow or the day after that. Remember to clear your browser cache if things break, and as always, I'll see you next time on Kobold Adventure, the new hit anime series, now also available on DVD.


Without further ado, here are the spoiler-containing scene trees, which you can henceforth view through aMap, available via the new ingame menu.


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