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Update 2.06 (Too Scared to Fight) will hopefully be going live somewhere around next week. It will contain the rock-throwing and the intervening branches of the bandit stickup, sans the fighting part. A detailed scene tree will be provided in the update-post itself.

I haven't been feeling so good these past few days, which means progress has, sadly enough, been rather slow. It's sure to pick up to full pace once more as whatever illness I've contracted fades away.

I'm not quite sure yet what to do with the fighting route, hence it will remain undefined for now. I'm sure I'll think of something in due time.



good on you man, keep em coming. Have you though about a rpg system for fighting base on the current stats you have in the game? It would make the choice of either being male or female determine how you would fight as the male is stronger while the female is more agile.


While I had not initially planned for a fighting system, a fighting minigame at one point or another is always an option (as are lockpicking, sneaking and perhaps even dancing minigames). I don't think it'd be a good choice to put a minigame right here, though, seeing as this fight will most likely be extremely onesided unless a very specific course of actions is taken.