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Thank you for donating to Kobold Adventure! Your contribution will make sure development stays active, and content continues to be added. As you probably already know, the game can be found at http://koboldadventure.com/. I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I enjoyed making it!

If you have any questions or suggestions that are just a little too personal to be put in the community section; or if you just feel like talking, my Steam account can be found at:

Kobold Adventure's official Discord server is joinable via the following link: https://discord.gg/kwSHRBE. Note that the server is for kobold content in general, and not just for Kobold Adventure. There *will* be spoilers and NSFW content. Browse at your own risk. My own discord handle is Lucario#5887.

You should be getting a personalized welcome message (on Patreon) from me sometime soonish, so I can get your avatar and your link and other stuff, should I need it. This may take up to an entire week, although I typically send out messages within a day or less.
Added: 2023-10