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This was a funnier punchline, but it was more important that this be Sal's idea!  Pretty simple reason for redoing the back end of the strip.  Less funny, way more heartbreaking, but definitely stronger.  

sadly now we'll never have a book titled "suck my ass, jennifer an' david"

final strip below:



Matt S

We'll never have a book titled "suck my ass Jennifer and David?" Sounds like quitters talk to me

Jayne Lindgren

I do enjoy the continued inclusion of Jennifer as one of the siblings.


Dumbing Of Age Volume 23: We'll Never Have a Book Titled "Suck My Ass Jennifer and David"

Tom McGrath

NO!! Say it ain't so!!!! Willis is going to THROW AWAY the VERY BEST book title??!!?? Suck our collective ass, Willis!


I dunno, that look on her face still seems like she knows exactly how this is gonna go and it's not gonna be good but she's desperate to try. I think heartbreaking still applies


I believe in you, Willis. We can still have a book that tells Jennifer and David to suck Sal’s ass.


In some ways it's a shame this comic is grounded in reality. This has the vibe of a branching-timelines or "what if?" story arc. Danny coming up with the idea instead of Sal might radically alter this section of the Walkyverse down the line, but we'll never know.

Mitsuki Ayane

I mean... never say "never" ~<3

Minzoku Bokumetsu

with THAT attitude, we get the book title "It Might Be Nice To Feel It Out For An Afternoon" (ideally accompanied by a potentially suggestive shot)


It is kind of a shame to lose Danny's "Then you can tell ME what that feels like," which puts a bow on his own very similar issues with his folks. (Sal rebels through her life choices and Danny does not, but both of them fall into sad, passive acceptance when they're in their parents' actual presence.) But that's a point that could easily be made later in this arc, and the final strip flows better for keeping more attention on Sal. It's a kind of "parts versus the whole" problem that's probably familiar to you, and to any writer who lavishes so much attention on details.


I like that the most discernible thing I have in common with Danny is usage of “suck my ass”


After reading both versions, and some contemplating, I think the original was the better strip.


you’re right! this makes it 1000x better because Sal is my favorite character, heheh


You did the right thing... the original might be funnier, but the published one is important character development.

Brandon Epstein

Y'all are crazy, the final comic has the better punchline for sure.