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Hi everyone, I would like to introduce this latest video with a disclaimer:

(Patreon still has issues with Facebook links so here's the direct url https://www.facebook.com/juicerapnews/videos/10155435629183452

I knew this video would be  unpopular with many (maybe even some of my Patrons) but I have made it anyway, to uphold a long tradition here at the Juice Media of speaking truth to power and calling out bullshit and injustice when I see it - whoever it may come from.

It is not my intention to stoke the flames of what is already a very tense situation in the US following the election. On the contrary, I made this video to express solidarity with all those who are deeply apprehensive (rightly, in my view) of what a Trump presidency will mean - not just for the US, but for the entire world. I could have just taken the easy path and avoided dealing with this topic and the predictable barrage of complaints and inane accusations of being funded by Soros - but being silenced by dissenting opinions has never quite been my style :)

I sincerely believe November 8 is a historic turning point for humanity, particularly in terms of action on climate change, so this is no time to sit by in silence.

Understandably, in the current climate, some sensitive folks will miss the point of this video and view it merely as Trump-bashing. Those who are listening closely however, will see that it starts off by attacking the current Obama administration for many of its signature policies, which will now be inherited by Trump; that whilst it criticises Trump for what he has said he will do once in office, it also sympathises with the real issues (proverty, inequality, unemployment - the results of decades of neoliberal policy) that led so many people to believe in Trump, rather than Clinton. And that it does not try to suggest that Hillary is any better. In many ways she's even worse, I agree. But seriously folks, now that the election is over we have to get past this ridiculous impasse whereby any criticism of Trump is met with the response, "Hillary would have been worse". That's not the point. The point is Trump is now the president and therefore the legitimate target for satire and critique. 

Remember: the purpose of satire is not to validate your beliefs, but rather to question them; not to "go easy" on those in power, but rather to critique them, no matter who wields it. 

I am being 100% consistent in this approach: To anyone who is not familiar with the Juice Media's long history of holding Obama to account, know that for the past 8 years we mercilessly critiqued Obama (starting even before he assumed office, just like this video) and that we kept that up throughout his presidency, whether it was about extrajudicial assassinations, his war on press freedom and whistleblowers, the TPP, Israel-Palestine, and many more.  

And now that the Donald has been chosen (by the electoral college) as the next potus, it's his turn to be held to account. We might disagree on many things, but I sure hope we can all at least agree on that.

Thanks for reading, friends. With that being said, I leave you with the latest Honest Government Ad, about President Trump, and sincerely thank you for supporting my work on Patreon. 

As a sidenote: I hope to bring you another episode Rap News soon, and to launch a new series in the new year.  

Take care everyone, 

<3 Giordano


The Juice Media - The US Government just released this ad... | Facebook

The US Government just released this ad about Donald Trump and it's surprisingly honest and informative. Good luck America in solidarity <3 ☛ PRODUCED by Patrons of the Juice Media (thank you!) https://www.patreon.com/TheJuiceMedia ☛ CREDITS: Written by Giordano & Adso. Performed by Andrea. Voice by Lucy. Music by AurusAudio.



BTW is anyone else other than me getting a blank screen when they try to play the video? I've tried to post a Facebook video url and Patreon Support Staff are helping me to resolve this issue, but I just wanted to check if anyone else is getting this problem - or if its just me!

Peter Harrison

Great video. Keep up the good work.