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Hey Patrons, this is a FREE post - you have not been charged your monthly pledge!

It's very different from my usual satirical videos, but when i came across this footage of Obama speaking at the Tribal Nations Conferences I thought, man he needs a reminder... I really wanted to make another video to support the Standing Rock movement, and this was something I thought would help. 

Clearly, others feel the same way as this video has received 1M Facebook views in the past couple of days since uploading! 

NB: I've posted the Youtube link above as Patreon doesn't accept Facebook URLs at this time. But the Facebook video is the one getting views so here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/juicerapnews/videos/10155387117333452/

As I said, It's a free post, as it is not my usual type of Juice Media video.  


Would you be happy to also support this type of content, from time to time? Or would you only like to be supporting satirical content, eg Honest Government Ads, Juice Rap News etc? 

I don't plan to make videos like these very often, maybe from time to time, when it feels necessary. But it would be good to know if, on such occasions, any Patrons would object to their pledge supporting this work. Please post your comments below, as I do very much value your input.

Thank you as always for your support and I'll see you on the next upload!




Obama, remember your promises to Native Americans? Here's a reminder

Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline before you leave the White House. #DontPlayItOut #StandWithStandingRock #NoDAPL #WaterIsLife "Obama's Legacy Rests on Whether He Stops Dakota Access Pipeline" - Dave Archambault II, Chair of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe: http://www.democracynow.org/2016/10/17/standing_rock_sioux_tribe_chair_we "Obama and Native nations have worked hard over eight years to create a special and healthy relationship during his tenure.


Dan Hetherington

I'm also happy to support this kind of work. Well done!

Stuart Fell

Perfectly happy to support more of this type of video. You consistently do great work. Thanks for sharing it for what is a modest fee :)