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Dear Patrons

Here's the preview for our next Honest Government Ad!

This is part of our climate and energy policy series, in which we're singling out each of our Government's strategies for prolonging the fossil fuel era by doing as little as possible about the climate crisis (applies to many other governments too).

I'll share more thoughts about the topic when we publish the video, so I'll keep this short because I want to finish editing the video.

I was planning to publish this HGA today. Unfortunately on the weekend my head had a violent encounter with an overhead cupboard door which left me bleeding quite significantly with ongoing headaches. I'll go to the doctor and get it checked out soon - but first I need to get this HGA out! So if the video is only out in the first day or two of September, you know why.

In light of the above I'm sharing the preview with all of you so that everyone gets some new Juice before the end of the month.

(As always a reminder that this is just the audio track - some parts of it will only make sense when you can see the visuals!)

I'll catch you very soon with the finished video - either tomorrow or the day after.

Take care and watch out for those overhead cupboard doors.




Dave Sag

Many years ago I gave a speech at the Society of Engineers in Canberra in which I said, in an offhand manner, that CCS was "science fiction" — after my speech I opened the floor for questions and was inundated with CCS goons out and out stating that I was wrong / evil / an idiot etc for suggesting that. It took about ten minutes of return questions about their actual projects for them to grudgingly accept that no their CSS dreams were mostly only successful in very small test examples and none of them had actually been able to get it to work at any kind of real scale. That was over ten years ago though and I expect that some progress has actually been made since - but how much money has been pissed away that could have gone into proper renewable energy production. The Govt's totally corrupt way these days is just to find any excuse to push $$$ into their mate's pockets. Alas the opposition is almost as useless. I mean look at the Vic govt approving fracking at the 12 Apostles site for an example of that. I truly despair. So thanks for at least giving us a laugh as the world slides into chaos and oblivion.


Excellent work!