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I thought I already announced this elsewhere, but I couldn't find where I did so. Sorry to leave what i was working on for this release so vague up until this point. Let me tell you about this character. 

Dee's perspective of time is quite different than yours. She moves and speaks at superhuman speeds the main character can't understand. Because of this, they communicate via charades... eventually. You see, she's quite skittish, but feed her enough carrots, and you'll gain her trust.

This scene is composed of a lot of little choices and most of them lead to interesting and distinct paths -- including lewd ones. Let's just say she can fit more in those cheeks than you'd think...

I'll be up front this time and say I'm not sure if I'm going to make this release on the 10th. This is for a couple of reasons. 

The first is a desire to add more quality-of-life improvements to the game. Namely, specific exploration scenes in specific locations. This is gonna unlock some really cool possibilities. Imagine characters gossiping about rumors of where other girls hang out and what they like. That's not an option at the moment because every exploration scene is completely random. I really, really want to get this done this release, and I'm willing to delay the release for it (within reason).

More importantly, a lot of crazy non-game related events have been slowing me down. For example, I spent the last three days packing my belongings. See, my girlfriend landed a job hundreds of miles away and they want her to start as soon as possible. So, tomorrow we'll be moving! I won't have a computer to work on tomorrow because it's a two day move. Never done one of those before and the thought is kind of nerve-racking.

And the weird thing is the Internet provider over there physically mails you their modem. I picked the date of our arrival, but it'll come "within 2 business days" of the date I picked. Worst case scenario, I may not have Internet access until the 7th!

This could be a blessing in disguise though. Maybe I'll get a lot done without Internet as a distraction? More likely, though, I'll have to spend a day or two unpacking and helping out around the house. 

If you need to contact me, message me on discord if you'd like a faster response. Thanks!


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