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I just want to say I hope you all love this new mimic girl seen as much as I do. That's definitely the biggest appeal in this release, but I did work on other things too:

  • At the moment, there are so many random expiration scenes, the odds of discovering the specific scene you're looking for has become a grindfest. As a TEMPORARY solution to this problem, I'm adding cheat codes for the $5 pledges that jump directly to the random exploration monster girl scenes.
    I see the permanent fix to this problem -- unique scenes occurring in specific locations at a much higher probability -- to be a high priority feature. Implementing it this way is an iteration toward that goal.
  • Monster Girl Farmer was always planned to be an epic game, but now it's truly at the point where it's too large for one person to work on alone. I need content contributors, but they need a way of getting up to speed with the game's lore and character personalities. Therefore, I put a lot of time into creating "Contributors Guide" wiki page. It's still a work in progress, but it's already saved me a lot of time. With these time savings, I was able to commission 4 new scenes during this release! Keep an eye out for them as they'll be integrated soon!

Enjoy, and as always, reach out if you have any questions or comments or concerns.

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For sure, but what type of update are you thinking about when you ask this question?