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Hey guys,

We have received several inquiries about the titles of the chapters. Typically, the chapter's title has a great deal to do with the chapter's topic and explicates its underlying meaning.

Therefore, from Chapter 000 to Chapter 006, there was no title since these chapters were bundled into a single "The Prologue." comparable to the Japanese equivalent of "One Shot." Consequently, a one-shot often consists of a few interconnected chapters comprising a whole manga composition of up to sixty pages. Therefore, our prologue consisted of six chapters and around sixty pages, so Chapters 000 through 006 comprise the story's prologue.

However, beginning with Chapter 007, the actual story begins to unfold, which is why it has titles. We will explain the significance of the titles below, some of which are Japanese and some of which are not. You may also get the definitions when you Google some of the online. 

CHAPTER 007- Eccedentesiast - One who hides their pain with a smile. Someone who is fearful of what others may think of them and does not want others to know how they genuinely feel on the inside. So they put on a fake smile.

CHAPTER 008 - Koi No Yokan- This is a Japanese phrase that refers to the sense you get when you first meet someone that you will undoubtedly fall in love with them.

CHAPTER 009-Antephialtic- Antephialtic is a medication used to treat nightmares. In Shoto's instance, Goro is the medication that keeps the terrible nightmares at bay at night.

CHAPTER 010- IKIGAI- Ikigai is the Japanese term for anything that provides a person with a feeling of purpose and a reason to live.

CHAPTER 011- THANATOPHOBIA- Thanatophobia is an extreme fear of death or the dying process. You might be scared of your own death or the death of a loved one.

CHAPTER 012-USTULATION- A burning sexual desire or a lustful passion.

CHAPTER 013-CONTRACT-A contract is an agreement that creates, defines, and governs mutual rights and obligations among its parties.

CHAPTER 014-SETSUNAI- Setsunai is a Japanese term for something that was once bright but is now faded. It is the painful ache at the edge of a reminiscence, the happiness in knowing that all things are temporary. 

CHAPTER 015 - RAGE- Very strong and uncontrolled anger.

CHAPTER 016-BIRTH OF ANIMOSITY- Goro's first kill, is the moment he became the Animosity Killer.

CHAPTER 017- SAUDADE- Saudade is a deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for something or someone that one cares for and/or loves. Moreover, it often carries a repressed knowledge that the object of longing might never be had again. Shoto's memories of his father are both painful and joyful.

CHAPTER 018-KINTSUKUROI- Kintsugi (金継ぎ), or kintsukuroi (金繕い), literally golden (“kin”) and repair (“tsugi”). This traditional Japanese art uses precious metal – liquid gold, liquid silver, or lacquer dusted with powdered gold – to bring together the pieces of a broken pottery item and at the same time enhance the breaks. built on the idea that by embracing flaws and imperfections, you can create an even stronger, more beautiful piece of art.

CHAPTER 019- THE HEIR- The moment Shoto became the Heir of the Tanaka Syndicate. 

CHAPTER 020- RIVALRY- competition for the same objective or for superiority in the same field.

CHAPTER 021- TOSKA-Toska is a Russian term that approximately translates as melancholy, lugubriousness, or unhappiness. At its most intense and agonizing, it is a feeling of immense spiritual sorrow, sometimes without a clear reason.

CHAPTER 022-SHINOBI NAKU-Shinobi Naku is a Japanese term, and the definition of shinobi Naku is a silent tear dropped by the silent suffering.

CHAPTER 023-MOONSTRUCK- Unable to think or act normally, especially as a result of being in love.

CHAPTER 024-HONNE TATEMAE-In Japan, "honne" refers to a person's true feelings and desires, and "tatemae" refers contrastingly to the behavior and opinions one displays in public.

CHAPTER 025-MOKITA- The truth we all know, but agree not to talk about in other words, it's 'the elephant in the room.

CHAPTER 026- FIGHT OR FLIGHT-This response is your body's reaction to danger and was designed to help you survive stressful and life-threatening situations. “The fight or flight response, or stress response, is triggered by a release of hormones either prompting us to stay and fight or run away and flee.

CHAPTER 027- LITOST- This is a Czech term that means a state of agony and torment created by the sudden sight of one's own misery.

Thank you for reading, we hope this was helpful! 



Ahhh I love these. I already knew about KINTSUKUROI, it’s such a sad yet beautiful term. It reminds me I need to finish an art piece I have labelled under it 🥲🥹


I love these explanations! It’s really cool that you used words with a variety of origins and interpretations and it’s obvious a lot of thought when into these titles alone. Very cool to see words and phrases along with translation to set the over all theme and vibe for chapters! This story and artwork is playing out beautifully and as a fan I appreciate the dedication each release day 🖤🔥

Jumpy Jemma

Thank you for this insight. It gives each chapter more depth.


You individuals are truly the best 🥹❤️

Tierra SweetPea

Yay! Your explanations were waaay better than my googles, thank-you, bunches!💛💛. When I googled “Litost” a song came up and the lyrics were so sad I wanted to send some boba tea to the artist, lolz!

Doe N

I love how everything has a purpose and place. I love every little detail and thank you guys for always interacting and helping us understand different things about this story. You guys are greatly appreciated.


I LOVE the thought behind the titles 🥺 It puts the finishing touch on each chapter.


I love the thought, creativity and the depth of the chapter names!

livia raquel

Waa "saudade" we use it in brasilian Portuguese, it was a good explanation, I couldn't imagine having to explain a feeling like love in a language the world doesn't exist

Sad Lad

I've always noticed these titles and absolutely adored how you used them. I think they're a bit unique and I love learning new words that explain the chapters so well!

Ajeet Pooni

Thank you for the explanations, it’s very cool that the chapter titles use terms from multiple languages. I had a feeling they were significant in meaning and therefore always was curious as to what the meanings were.