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Hey guys,

How is everyone doing ? I hope all is well.

I have been getting a lot of questions regarding Hebi and his family and today I will be sharing some facts for everyone !

1.Their sexual lives. Their sexual life is exciting and unique in its own way. Most readers imagine they are constantly having orgies, but this is not always the case. There are currently two toddlers in the home who demand a great deal of care. If the children are not asleep, there is no organization. Usually, one or both of them are keeping a close watch on the children. On the other hand, Hebi has a strong sexual drive, and his wife Hinata is just as eager as he is. These two are generally the first to get started, and they go at it for quite some time. Akira usually joins in on the fun, although it depends on his mood. 

2. Hebi and Akira have no specific roles assigned to them. In a sense, they are both "switches." When they sleep together, they always take turns, although Hebi is generally on 'top' initially since Akira is hesitant to start.

3. Except for the twins, the ladies have varying levels of intimacy with each other.They each have their own tastes. Hinata always loves to take Hebi and Akira together. Aki and Ayaka are sisters who are not intimate with each other directly, but they participate in any orgies that take place. However, Ayaka prefers sleeping with Hebi or Akira. Normally, she is too hesitant to take them both together, although her sister Aki is not.

4. Housework. It's a little old-fashioned, but the women of the family do the household chores. The major reason is that Akira and Hebi frequently work at night or late in the evenings and need to sleep in the mornings.

5. Cooking. Hikari is responsible for most of the house's cooking, and she is quite strict about it. Everyone is expected to eat supper. Unless Hebi is on a mission, he must come home for dinner and then leave to return to work. Akira's schedule is fairly flexible. Therefore, he is okay the whole time.

6. They run a family restaurant that mostly serves members of the Tanaka Syndicate. However, Aki and Ayaka are responsible for operating the restaurant; therefore, they do not cook at home. The restaurant is open from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. They provide breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Other syndicate members' wives and girlfriends also work there, which provides them with an additional source of income. It's also a really friendly and accepting workplace, with largely women working there. It's also safe since it's so near the syndicate, and members are regular visitors.

7. They live in a traditional home, as Hebi adheres to traditional values. Their family home is an adequate size with plenty of rooms. If any of them wish to sleep in their own quarters, they may, but it is up to them. 

8. Hinata is mostly responsible for the family's shopping and child care while everyone else is busy. She generally brings them to the park or clothes stores. While Hebi is busy with work, she is responsible for delivering his meals or lunch, with Akira usually accompanying her for safety reasons.

9. They are all happy and comfortable with one another. Everything is in harmony between them, and they are content with their current relationship. They are also not interested in adding another person to their dynamic.

Thanks for reading.



Interesting how Hebi’s family works. My husband Hebi 🥰😅


So you’re telling me that i have no chance at becoming partner #6😭