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Hey guys ,

How is everyone doing ? I hope all is well .

After reading all of the comments on the most recent post, I would like to remind everyone that I am the one who stayed. I'm doing my best. Since the publication of this comic almost 4 years ago, I haven't drawn my own characters. Now I must learn to exhibit them in my art style in less than a year, simply because I do not want the gap to be too long and drag out the story.

It's an insensitive conversation to have about Goro's racial ambiguity, especially because he's half Japanese and half black. This will never change. I've noticed that most readers pay no attention to his character at all. If you've read the earlier chapters, you'll notice that a lot has changed since the most recent ones, not only for Goro but for many of the primary cast as well. In earlier chapters, Goro's skin tone lacked color or had a discernible undertone. I didn't like this, so we gradually introduced Goro's undertone to his character throughout the story. All I'm doing is starting with a different undertone because the way I shade and light is pretty different, and the previous undertone made him appear weird in my style.

Goro is a character who wears several hairstyles, primarily due to identification difficulties, which I have yet to address. However, it is alluded to several times during the story, although, as previously stated, few people pay attention to his character or past. Now, regarding my art style , I specialize in semi-realistic art. Therefore, 2D art is completely outside of my comfort zone. As a result, I've had to stylize my art style to fit 2D, which hasn't been simple.

While it may not have been the intended outcome, some of these opinions come across as condescending. I know how to draw and depict people of various ethnicities, as well as how to write about them. I'm really proud of that. I do a lot of studying and am highly knowledgeable about people of various ethnic origins and experiences. Most of the characters' noses are identical in Tsun's art style; Goro's 'broad nose' was not unique to him. It was simply the artist's style. If you look closely at all of the characters. I never intended Goro to have a 'big nose', and I dislike the term because it feels like a stereotypical thing to say about black features in general. Goro's bone structure and characteristics have always been designed to resemble Gyuu (his father), and he resembles Imani (his mother) in all other areas. However, in Tsun's art style, the resemblance to his father, a Japanese man, is subtle and not immediately apparent.

Goro's hair is not curly. It is wavy. I've stated this numerous times, and you can see his hair texture when it was longer. He had curly hair as a child, but as he grew older, the texture altered. He was also noticeably lighter when he was a child, and his complexion changed. Recently, there was also some discussion about Goro being as dark as his mother, despite the fact that he is only half black and should be lighter. Which I ignored. As a result, I've concluded that I won't be able to please everyone, which is fine. I'm just having fun with these hairstyles to see which ones will make it through the second season's development. This time, I simply wanted to explore Goro with a noticeable, slick back hairstyle, which I assumed would be obvious. This was never meant to be his final design.

To conclude, I am not one to complain or discuss my feelings with my readers as it’s not appropriate . This is why, even though everyone has the right to voice their opinions, I reserve the right to disregard them for the sake of maintaining my sanity. However, Patreon brings me closer to my readers, so I prefer to read your comments and communicate with everyone here. The remarks have always encouraged me to do better and not disappoint you. However, for the first time in a long time, I felt the exact opposite.

For the time being, I'll stop posting any redesigns until I feel comfortable again. I will only continue to post illustrations (both SFW and NSFW) and other exclusive content. Thank you 🙇‍♂️.

Thank you for reading . 


Terri Vigor

You’re awesome so don’t worry about what anyone says… we luv your artwork and that’s all should matter… the people hating are just jealous of your artistic ability

Alonté Gordon

Wait I’m confused. Mixed babies comes in all different shapes sizes and colors. So that was just an ignorant comment on their part. Whoever said that. Also I’m sad to read this seeing as I’ve been off here for a while. I’ve noticed the different drawing style. And honestly I can’t wait to see them in action tbh. I feel like it will bring a whole new development to the story! I’m glad to finally see the creators art style. Now onto Goro honestly I felt character wise it was a great job. You went into depth with him. His history, character developmen right to his hair. You really let us know he was mixed. And I enjoyed that some authors/ artists when adding black characters mixed or not really doesn’t emphasize their culture they kind of just add them as a backdrop. I think that’s why I love Goro so much. Now I’m going to go look at at all the other posts.