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Version 0.6.7 fixes the video overlay (again) and introduces the Batch Converter.

New Features:

  • Batch Converter

The Batch Converter allows you to select multiple files or entire folder structures at once and send them through the censoring process. The censored images are then returned in a zip file.


Your original images wont be automatically replaced, this is technically not possible from your browser. But the original file names are kept and so the replacement is up to your choice. I think is the better solution anyway.

You can stop the process any time you wish.
I would recommend to do batches of < 400 images to not risk running out of memory or running into an error, because once it gets stuck (due to an error) it will remain stuck.
Just get a feeling what your computer can safely handle here.

Will the Batch Converter be a patreon only feature?

The Batch Converter will be an early access feature for Tier 2+ patrons for 1-2 weeks and will then be made available for Tier 1 patreons for another week after which it will finally be available for everyone.
Only the comfort function of loading entire folder structures into the Batch Converter might remain a Patreon feature.


  • Fixed a bug which prevented the video overlay from working.
  • Added a toogle button which invertes your label settings for better switching between normal and reverse mode.
  • Changing the color for black box mode now works within Reverse Censor Mode.
  • Improved the general memory usage.



Is there any chance you guys add some means of mobile support? I'm thinking of mobile browsers like kiwi that have some extension support.


Kiwi runs on the chromium engine which is different to Firefox. But we will work on android support at some point / hope that firefox does support extensions for its mobile browser some day.