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Hey everyone, just letting you know that I've posted a small progress update over on the blog to show off some of the things I worked on over the last few weeks.

I've actually wanted to post a demo of the scene along with this, but had to deal with a few more problems than I expected to which is why I'm holding off on posting it for a bit longer...

The demo in itself is pretty much done, and besides having to add sound and a few more character motions there isn't much more to do.

For now I'm trying to fix the ongoing bugs/issues with the scene and once those are gone I will finish the last few things to upload a demo for you guys.
Let's hope a week is enough for now...

Until then though you can, if you're interested, take a look over on the blog where I posted what I worked on over the last two weeks, the kind of problems I ran into and so on...

It's pretty much just me rambling and as always, a bit chaotic.
I feel like it's getting worse with every post that I do, so let me know if it get's out of hand and I'll try changing up how I post/sort things. xD

As a note on the side..
I don't normally post these kind of smaller updates over here and this is more or less an effort to try to stay engaged with those of you that are only supporting me over here and don't follow the blog/discord.

If these kind of progress updates are annoying though just let me know and I'll go back to only posting the important stuff+uploads over here!

Have a nice week everyone and let's hope finishing the demo won't take too much longer~


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