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Alright, this is a bit later than I wanted it to be but due to me beeing quite busy these last few days I've barely had the time to give updates/answers on here.

First off, the new Dream Molder Demo is now up.

While it does have a lot of new stuff, it's still far from done and the primary reason for anyone to play it would be all the main story paths, endings and decisions that were planned to be in the full game and some character sketches+music in all "normal scenes" to make reading through them easier.
Some of the character sketches are put together quite crudely or still missing entirely. They're really just ment to make visualizing of the final version easier and as a placeholder to get swapped out with the colored/animated versions later on.

Again, there are no hentai scenes yet, but those are in work for the next update after finishing the missing character sketches and therefor the Character Sketch Demo.

Roadmap and future of this Patreon
I actually made something similear to a roadmap to show what I'm working on and in which order over the next couple months.

Showing this to you I'm also trying to gather some feedback on the matter.
While the release dates are nothing but guesses at this point, I can be pretty sure that the last release on the map (Dream Molder Part 1) won't be out before the estimated time.

My question to you now is if that's something worth waiting for.

Depending on the feedback to this I would like to switch the patreon back to monthly support (instead of charged posts) and completely focus on Dream Molder to finally get some "real", visible progress.

This would also mean however that I'm not going to post anything besides what's on the roadmap for a while. (Except for the unlikely case of getting updates out earlier and having free time to work on something else)

If you however think that it wouldn't be worth waiting for so long just to get the first part of the game, it would probably be smarter to keep Dream Molder in the background, do monthly animations and side projects instead.
This way I work on Dream Molder in small steps at a time and go for a release in the long run.

So if you have any feedback or ideas to this please let me know your thoughts on the matter.

This will probably decide in which direction this Patreon is going to go in the future and for everyone that isn't happy about the decision made in the end and wants to leave I'm thankful for your interest and support so far and I hope to see you around again at some point.

Lastly some more links if you're interested in playing the new Char Sketch Demo:
Download: Mediafire
Play Browser Version: Here
(Browser Version is really just for those of you that can't/don't want to download since it's going to be slow and buggy)

Changelog and additions made

Some more info on the demo and feedback needed to improve the game:

Final results of the poll:
Keep Focus on Dream Molder: 65
Braixen: 50
Lucario Animation Loops: 30
Lopunny: 22
Zeraora: 22
Salazzle: 17
Luxray: 17
Mienshao: 17
Gardevoir: 15
Remake Dream Molder Demo: 12
Sneasel: 6



No worries here, got your question and just wasn't able to answer yet. I'll answered now though and hope that cleared everything up!


I just sat down and played through Path 1 of the game, and needless to say I loved every minute of it. I couldn't put it down, or leave it for another time, I just had to see what happened next! Amazing job, I can't wait for the next release!

Sparky Vixult

It’s finally here! So excited to start playing through. I’ll certainly be aiming to give you helpful feedback, where is the best place to do so? With regards to the Patreon switching to monthly, I think thats perfectly fair considering all the hard work you are putting into this project. Don’t feel like you have to give us something brand new every month. That said I do enjoy reading and giving feedback on your ‘behind the scenes’ posts and maybe seeing what sketches and such you are working on. A weekly or monthly project update might be a nice idea, it wouldn’t have to be an essay but would help us to help you with the project.


For now it's probably the blog since it's easiest to post to. I'll keep adding stuff to the website in the future to make feedback easier though. I'll definitely try to update as much as possible, that's also why the "news" part of the website is there (or almost there ;p) I thought about making a Twitter or something similear to connect it with. I'm unsure about what would be best to do some random posts inbetween yet, but that's at least what I had in mind. I hope you enjoy the demo. :>


Glad you like it! I would love to know which Paths are you guys favorit in the end. Mine are 3 and 5 btw. :3

Sparky Vixult

I’ve sort of started compiling a spreadsheet of typos and other things as I come across them, with references to where they appear. If you would like I could email this to you once I’m done with all endings?


Before i jump into the demo. i do have some stuff i think is worth at the very least ranting about myself. im dong it here because it mostly concerns patreon. going off of your complaints on the blog. the sensible move would be to focus on dream molder. prolonging it just seems stressful and everyone is overwhelmingly in favor of either it or braixen soo... it just makes the most sense from the looks of everything. prolonging a project this big isnt a good idea for consistancy reasons like you described on the blog. it would ease that worry. i would have absolutely no problem with monthly support as long as i know progress is being made. a small update atleast once a month for everyone to share thoughts on is enough interaction in my opinion and i honestly like doing it. ive liked doing it for the last 2 years(?). and it sounds like thats what you want to do anyway. so i strongly urge you to do it. sorry for the literal wall of text. i cant space properly for some reason. but anyway good luck. ill post stuff on the demo over on the blog.


Yes, you have been one of the very first to support me and my work. And while I'm a bit unhappy about how long I am taking for my projects, I'am also happy to see that that you like what I do enough to stay with me for that long. I will definitely keep everyone of you updated every few weeks depending on how fast I am, but I'm also preparing/ready to switch back to per post in case I can't keep up. For now I'm just hoping it will work out. Thanks for your support all this time! I hope you enjoy the demo.


Oh, that would be helpful of course! Just let me know per pm and I'll give you the adress. Don't stress yourself over it though, still want you to have fun reading through everything.


Hey its me again! I played through Paths 2, 3 and 4 today and really enjoyed them (especially 3), and I was wondering, how do you get to 5?


Ah, just to make sure there's no misunderstandings for anyone. I did remove one of the endings which is why there's 5 paths, but only 4 endings. Path 2 goes over into path 1, (which could end up in path 4 or 5 again). So if you saw 4 different endings you probably already had all of them. :c If you however didn't see path 5 (Ending 4), you can get there by telling Sara to sleep in the tent at the campfire scene.


I didn't actually see Path 5's ending. Now after playing through it and getting all of the endings and paths completed, I will say that 1 and 3 are my favorite paths. Fantastic job on all of the story, I enjoyed it a lot.