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Hey everyone, just giving a little Update here!

The last few weeks were quite busy for me and I didnt get much work done.
Partially because I still have my trouble with writing such a large story myself.
Not having much time because of irl work didn't help much either and I came to the conclusion that I'm not going to turn the payment on again, at least for now.

After making sure that the payment pause was still active last month I realized that it went back to the normal setting today and immediately gave out refunds.
So everyone is getting his money back and nobody has to pay anything this month either.

Since I'm taking so long with Dream Molder my plan was to write a small short story and turn the payment on again when I release it later this month.
Since it turned out this way now Im going to do it a little bit different though...

I changed the description of the supporter tier everyone is in right now and will keep the payment turned on, so everyone that still wants to support me or just wants to give something in return for the game can actually do so.

For now I wont be able to upload on monthly basis though.
So for everyone that is waiting for something to be released atm, please just keep an eye on what Im doing in the future instead.
You can pleadge again at anytime in the future.

It's probably obvious for most of you guys anyway but want to make myself  clear since I really dont want to take money for stuff that isn't there yet.

Guess Im bad with this stuff, really should have thought about that before I make a patreon. xD Probably didn't expect much support in the first place.

I'm sorry for any trouble caused through the refunds and hope to see you again when I' able to upload something.

Guess this cleares my conscience for now and I can hopefully work at my own pace again. xD



Frankly I think your transparency and lack of simply trying to make excuses is incredibly refreshing. Taking accountability for your actions is something that, frankly, not a lot of people seem to be okay with doing. The fact you HAVE done such a thing pretty much is what finally sealed the deal to at least support you in the $1 tier. I don't have a whole lot of money to spare, or I'd honestly contribute more, because you really deserve it just on ethics alone. The generally high quality of your work is a secondary perk to me more than anything.


Thanks for the kind words and Im glad you like my work. In the end Im just trying to improve with something I have fun with and beeing in any way inhonest or making promises I cant hold up to would just stress me out and push me away from this hobby. Thanks for your support and I hope I can present more/better stuff in the future. By the way, for everyone that would like to support but doesnt have the money. There is no need to stay and pay me anything. Just leave a message and let me know what you've liked so far. The money helps me keeping stuff like the website with the browser version of games up and improve quality for upcoming stuff but it is by no means more important than spending it for yourself. Have a nice week everyone and I hope to have something ready for you guys soon.


As blunt as this might be to say (And please don't take it in a creepy way) But from what I have seen, I like you as a person too, not just your work! Honestly, it's refreshing to see a person that is doing this kind of stuff for not only self-improvement, (I remember reading you were trying to learn English better.) but you're using that to benefit others as well. You aren't asking for much in return either. Honestly, if I had to pick one word to describe you, it would probably be 'Noble'. My stance on things, you are asking for little in return, and you respect that people might not be able to contribute financially. Such a thing is so rare these days it is almost unheard of. Anyway, for what it may be worth I'm also trying to spread the news to some of my friends. I don't know if any of them would be interested, but if I can get even one other person to support you, I'd at least be happy for that. You truly are exemplary.


You could just have it left on and have us continue to donate a small 1$, for people who can't afford that (for some reason) or actually expect fast progress can leave, but i'm sure some of us would like to continue to support you as encouragment and for the sake of it. Overall, love your work and hope to continue to support you. <3


I know Im probably just making too big of a deal out of it. Just thought that it was kind of sudden with the payment beeing active again. Thanks for your nice words and support though. :3