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Hey there guys, just thought I'd give a quick little update on what's going on IRL for me since my last update I posted. So I was able to move into my temporary place with not much issue at all. It's admittedly not in the best location compared to where I was living prior but I'm sure I'll manage for 2 weeks until the house we're officially gonna be moving into is done.

Unfortunately the moving is not done yet as we still need to get the truck down to the storage unit and unload it and we're gonna do that tomorrow (Sunday). I mostly just spent the day cleaning the kitchen and helping my dad sort through trash and stuff we're gonna give to donation. It was A LOT of stuff and I'm so tired haha. We've been at this since Wednesday and I'm hoping we'll be done by tomorrow (Sunday) so fingers crossed because I gotta go back to work on Monday.

As for the Patreon reward, I'll most likely start on it Monday or Tuesday morning depending how I'm feeling. I haven't been able to finish it the last few days since I've been helping with the move and I'm exhausted by the end of the day but hopefully it'll be done before the month ends so stay tuned to seeing Jak all swole in my style haha

Anyway that's all I've got for now. I won't post another update until I'm officially moved into my new place so for now, just keep your eyes open for the August reward. Thanks for reading and take care! 


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