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Hey there everyone. So to keep you all up to date with what's happening in my personal life, I am set to move form the home I'm currently staying in by Friday this week but the place I'm going to is gonna be a temporary place until at least the end of the month. My father was able to find a place for me and my roommate but the place won't be ready until September. 

I'm still in the middle of packing my belongings (Taking a lot longer than I was expecting lol) and I should be in the temporary place by the Friday but I will always be moving again in 2 weeks from now and I'll be doing one more move. Depending on what's happening, I may have to do one more one only voting poll but hopefully after this, this should be it and I can go back to the 2 voting polls again.

Thank you all for reading and thank you for understanding. Until then, take care!


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