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Hello everyone!

This week we have a sneak peek of some side content we're planning on including in the next public demo update! You may or may not be able to notice a new enemy type crawling around Seles, as these sneaky bastards can blend in pretty well with the background. You didn't think all those cave and mine openings we put in the game were just for show, did you? :P

This will likely be the final public demo version before launch, so we want to make sure we show off more of the features the game will have to offer for those who are waiting. In this upcoming public demo we are planning on adding the next chapter of the main story (chapter 2), more original music, updated graphics, more escape system content and some new side content like sidequests, to mention a few things. 

Closed Beta testers will of course keep getting regular updates of the latest stable builds like before up until launch, since we want even the latest parts of the game to be

Hope you look forward to it!




Any target date you have in mind the final version of the game will be ready by?


It's still very hard to say, since there's still so much more we want to add to the game, and these are pretty turbulent times, also for us. It is exceptionally unlikely that we'll finish the game this summer, which was the original most optimistic goal, since we didn't meet the goal of having the main story fully implemented by the end of 2019. The more realistic release window for the full game is probably between December this year and summer next year, if we include everything we want to have in the game at launch (so if we don't save a lot for post-release updates).