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This week's dev screenshot is a bit different from usual. It's an excerpt from my notes on what is hopefully going to be a system for extracting valuable information from captives. An interrogation system if you will.

The idea is that once you capture certain people, you get the option to ask them questions about an objective. This can be a treasure you've heard rumors about, it can be the location of a girl who's been kidnapped, it can be a password to get in somewhere, or it can be the whereabouts of a bandit leader that has a high bounty on her, and so on.

It has similarities to the Private Cell system in Didnapper 1, except it is planned to be more integrated into normal gameplay and serve a practical purpose. We have yet to settle on the details, but we hope that this is something you will enjoy once we add it :)




Interesting. I hope you'll be able to inplement it.

Emil Scherbe

Exciting feature! Really looking forward to try this