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  • Added various story-related interior maps for Montague
  • Made various changes and improvements to the Capulet maps
  • Added some new scenes
  • Added some additional sprites for Seles and Aden
  • Added more NPC sprites and coded in more NPCs
  • Added more enemy battler graphics
  • Added more expressions for Aden's facesets
  • Fixed various bugs reported by testers
  • Hired in a couple of new artists for specific graphical tasks
  • Made v9 available for testers



Uhm... What tier do you have to be in, to be considered a tester? I'm at 8 Dollars and see no post about v9. From what I understand, 8 Dollars is the new 15 Dollars tier and should have all the same rewards except for a copy of Bonds?


It's an old post that has been updated continuously. You should be able to find the link to it in the tier list. I might make a new post for v10 to bump it up a bit when that is ready.


I found a little bug in Capulet, after buying some things in the store. I left it and switched back to the inn right from the entrance door. Dont know if i post it to the right place. tried it four times with the same result.


Bugs are generally reported in the document linked to in the post where you got the download link, or otherwise in the Discord server chatroom for CB-testing. The one in particular you found has been reported and will be fixed in the small v10 update that'll hopefully be ready later today.