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Very interesting episode, but I've got a bone to pick about capital punishment. Whilst I've never voted, or plan to vote, I would vote in favour of the reinstatement of capital punishment. The U.K's judiciary system is nowhere near severe enough to deter criminals from carrying out their criminal activity, even serious crimes. Once they're behind bars, they glorify their time there and promote the lifestyle to the youth. If you're taking a walk in the park, or sitting in the garden of your own home, there's nothing preventing knife wielding delinquents from attacking you. The right to bear arms has left people feeling vulnerable in the U.K. The only solution I can think of is implementing a modernised version of Sharia Law, something akin to Room 101 from George Orwell's '1984'. As gruesome as it sounds, a room dedicated to torturing criminals who commit the most evil and serious offences may be the only solution in reducing crime. However, it'll only be used when there's substantial, irrefutable evidence of the crime committed, such as mass witnesses, video evidence and DNA. Also, the execution should be public, it's the only way to verify the person being executed. Certain Middle-Eastern countries have already shown why the system proposed above will work. Just look at Saudi or the UAE, extremely safe spaces. Regarding the 'black pill' truthers, many of them are alien crazing lunatics, who're being entangled by Project Bluebeam. Aliens are not real, space travel is not possible, and the recent captivation of both normies and black pill truthers reeks of a possible black swan. Years ago, I was listening to a video by Morris Herman I think it was, and he was interviewing a scientist or former higher up in the chain of command of the US Army, and he was talking about how back in the 50's and 60's the US had advanced holographic technology. He said they can generate realistic holograms of UFO's and aliens, and that sometime in the future, the government is going to use this technology to stage a fake alien invasion. They're going to construct these UFO holograms thousands of feet above a major city(s), where it'll appear to be aliens shooting laser weapons at buildings. But, he said, inside these holograms, there's going to be apache, "black project" military aircraft, that will be dropping the bombs, on their own citizens, not "aliens". Basically Operation Northwoods. And the 'Black Pill' truthers, as the pawns they are, are completely buying into it. Like normies, they couldn't play dead in a horror movie.

Jamie South Yorkshire ????

What about nate Boone craft guy he did a interview about 10 years ago taking about all the hits he’s done and he’s done a new interview aswelll what give it a watch hatman Al post it up


Excellent Podcast Hatman! 💯% I’ve been a long time subscriber but due to my working patterns haven’t really had much time to get involved in social media too much (I’ve made lifestyle and income changes to get into this position) and really enjoy the topics discussed. It’s very interesting what Thomas Sheridan says about the Hex thing, I once heard him mention about the absorption of energy that bullies get from the negative reaction from either a insult or violence inflicted on others… I knew around about 2014 that there would be a day that men would start to really grow in numbers when it comes to looking abroad for a wife from a foreign country. I was not surprised at all that the explosion of Passport Bros came within months of Kevin Samuels passing, the writing was on the wall. Then I saw Auston Holleman traveling to Thailand and across Africa and he’s showing a lot of men the different options. I have a very traditional English girl which is virtually unheard of these days and I knew from around 2014 that I would never look for a girlfriend or wife if she had good old western mind programming (UK, US, Canada, France etc…). I just don’t fancy British women (regardless of colour) because the “disease of the mind” that most suffer with just won’t be tolerated by me at all. I’ve always done well with women but I no longer have any interest in western women these days at all because the risk of marrying and losing it all in divorce is so high I thinks it’s stupid for men to marry these women. I have hope for the future with the gender and social dynamics but I strongly suspect this is going to get worse before it gets better… #GetYaPassports 😂 🤣


I stopped dating girls who were born/raised in the west about 20 years ago, long before things got as bad as they are now. I've only had serious relationships with foreign girls since. But the longer a foreign girl stays in the west, the more she can become influenced by the modern culture. I haven't had this happen with any of my girlfriends to be honest, because I choose quite wisely, but I know it can and does happen. The ideal solution is to leave the west entirely. Those who choose to stay have a tough battle ahead. I'm not saying it can't be won, but it will probably take a long time.


Fantastic podcast. Keep it coming.


Excellent podcast so far, I'm at the bit where you say that maybe the self-hex has petered out. Sheridan has stated many times, that a hex can be reveresed through a public apology. You have apologised and stated your regrets of being a bully many, many times. You've said you're ashamed of your past, maybe this has reveresed the hex.


Be interested to hear your take on Russell Brand and the recent allegations. Great podcast by the way

Daniel Reevell

I wonder if the boxing age is getting older because of PED use I think klitscko was more than likely using I think he pulled out one of his best performances at 41 years old


Only up to the running man part That film used to shit me right up as a kid Now it’s some ultra camp visual. That electric guy was too gay🤦🏽‍♂️


Are you a Christian Hatman??

Brave Counsel

Another great video as always.

Brave Counsel

Have you listened to David Ickes now work ‘The Game’? You can listen to him narrate it via Audible. Worth a listen, to give your brain a fresh stretch , if you haven’t listened to him for a while.


The blackpill applies more to the dating scene hatman. I was and still am a black piller. The Blackpill states in modern dating a mans facial attractiveness is the main thing that matters. They use evidence on dating apps and real life interactions as evidence they do provide a solution through looks maxing e.g. going to the gym but acknowledge a mans genetics is there cieling. They state that geomaxing e.g. passport bros may be the main option for men from western countries who are considered average looking.


Hatman, Interesting stuff as Always 👍 I agree with you that Alot of stuff is bluster, almost like feinting in Boxing - it can make your opponent Bite on something that isn't there. - However I do think Ai poses a unique problem, as the rate in which it's come on in the last couple of years is staggering, and with a snowball affect Once it gets sufficiently smart it will replace So many Jobs, It's not really If it's when for alot of Jobs, ( It's The modern day version of the first computer to beat a Chess master, a tipping point occurs and the chest master basically never beats the Computer much after that, Ever again) Unlike previous industrial changes, it will not really create Many new Jobs for people. It will not "Need" them. These people will gain Alot of free time, but will be direction-less and poor, which is not a good combo!! Wrote a longer message than I anticipated but I would curious if you explored this on the podcast 🤙✌️