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Did you get around to watching Sheridan's 'Taxonomy of the self-hexed'? He makes some very interesting points. And, I may be visiting Costa Rica next year. Either there or FL. The only thing with Costa Rica is, when trying to book a place through google, the prices are extortionate. I remember you talking about mingling with the locals to uncover the cheaper, long-term, rentals. But obviously you'll need to book somewhere in advance.

Manjurul Hussain

The woke brigade r out in force in Peckham


I enjoyed your perspectives on this Hatman. That Brickgate girl is a compulsive liar and has pulled the GoFundMe scam multiple times. I knew from the off that something was wrong with that because there is no woman getting hit in the face with a Brick and still running her mouth to the guys in the background who apparently didn't intervene to help her. Before the #MeToo era I would have been much more likely to help a random woman in need but nowadays? Hell nooo! 😂 Western women want equality so they've got it, I'll call the Police and keep it moving because I am not risking my life for a random modern western woman who is probably a feminist. Unless I can personally can vouch for the girl character (my girl, family etc..) then I am NOT getting involved. This is not my natural instinct as I am a protector of women naturally but this is not natural times we live in so I have had to adapt to the circumstances of the times.