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Watch here https://rumble.com/v2b8n94-only-insecure-men-prefer-women-with-a-low-body-count.html


Want a woman with a low BODY COUNT?? You must be "INSECURE"


Ocean Blue

Great stuff Hatman. I’ll be sure to catch up on all the uploads when I’ve got some time.


100% accurate. It's all about patterns of behaviour and reliability too. There's also an STD element for me personally. Take a look at Michael Douglas as an example, getting throat cancer that stems from all the hoes my man used to eat out (HPV induced). For some men there's also a religious element to wanting a virginal wife. But for the majority of us it's absolutely about wanting someone that is "valuable" and ultimately what makes something valuable? It's rarity to some degree. If every one owned 500 diamonds, a diamond would be worthless. By the same token finding a good woman that is pure of mind and heart is rare. I know that shit sounds corny but the fact is, most men want a woman that is dedicated to them and some show patterns of behaviour that prove they are incapable of that