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Previous episode on the subject https://www.patreon.com/posts/human-stranding-50188427






Very thought provoking stuff, and excellently presented as always. The only thing I'd say though is that this analogy might apply better to strangers than it does to one's own loved ones. If we replace the horses in the analogy, with one's child, or mother, or wife, etc. then it no longer becomes absurd to do your utmost to save them. As the adage goes, "if there's nothing worth dying for, then is life really worth living?". The point is, love can really drive people and it can be what makes life worth living. Also, not everyone is a lost cause. During the scamdemic, I failed miserably to wake a lot of people up. People who really mattered to me and it certainly exhausted me. But there were also a lot of people I did wake up. None of my immediate family got jabbed. I also had friends that didn't because of what I shared with them. One of them, who is NOT a dude that will ever express emotion in any way (lol) even said one day "I am so grateful to you bro, I'm so lucky to have had you tell me what you did and save my life". I had to hold back emotions in that moment, I won't lie. So I can't fault anything you've said here, it certainly does drain you, but as you know what you refer to as nature or the universe, I refer to as God; and maybe God had plans for these people. A different purpose as you say, but maybe I was the vessel in that moment to guide them. That's not hubris in any way, I take no credit for it, but it made the hard fight worthwhile is what I'm saying