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Failure to learn from history is a cardinal sin, its ironic that these people today are wayyyyy to stupid to realise that if you put them in Nazi Germany that they would be on their side. Their stupidity has made it all too easy on the powers that be.


Hatman , what do you think of the president of Tanzania's Death?? a bit suspicious tbh


A bit? Mate, they 100% bumped him off. He went missing just a few days after the Guardian published an article calling for him to be reigned in. The article was sponsored by Bill Gates! President Magufuli had flat out refused to lock down, kicked the WHO out of the country, and refused the vaccines.


It is was a very blatant power play move. I thought it was clever to make it look like the covid denier had died of covid. Therefore making anyone who doesn't believe in the narrative being pushed look like a tinfoil hat Wearer. It definitely shows how deep this all is becoming!


They likely poisoned him with something. One of his last public appearances was meeting a Chinese diplomat! Never a good move.

Mark Richardson

They are talking about that old chestnut 'Heart trouble'. Yeah a bullet penetrated his heart and killed him. But, hey, let's put it down to bullshit 19.