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My voice is a bit distorted for the first 10 minutes, because my microphone level was too loud. But after that it's fine.



BrandNewTube and Bichute a lot of people are talking about, not sure if they offer live streams, but not sure if anyone has direct experience with uploading anything there. As for Marvin Hagler, Hearns, his friend, didn't just pull that shit out the air. He said it, because he knows the truth. His wife, in my humble opinion, might have been told "say he died at home, not of covid, not to cause panic". As for anti-jabbers hijacking it. Any death after 28 days of a positive PCR test and they link it to covid. You could be hit by a car 27 days after a positive PCR with no symptoms, and it's covid. But every death within days of a jab, well that's got nothing to do with the jab of course. These clowns man.


By the way regarding Christianity, there are a lot of Eastern Orthodox Christian priests / monks that are also pushing back against this. Many Evangelicals too (although not all). Many fear it's linked to the Mark of The Beast in The Book of Revelations. For those interested, here are some links: 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWcIuYFpoTo 2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7uwpEUR5_c&t=45s 3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLPioLYo7L4 and in terms of the wider issues of the N WO, this is what the Bishop of Morphou (who has also been standing firm during this covid propaganda) said back in 2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9X7njGnghdw So yes many Christians have sold out but many see this all as prophetic. There was a South African chief justice too, who made this same link: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/11/south-africa-chief-justice-unrepentant-link-vaccines-satanism-coronavirus So there are a lot of Christians in positions of prominence that are speaking up too.