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Matt Hancock's 'step-grandfather' who died of Covid-19 was his step-father's ex-wife's second husband

Matt Hancock's "step-grandfather", who he paid tribute to after he died of coronavirus, was actually his step-father's ex-wife's second husband, it has emerged. Speaking in the Commons on Tuesday, Mr Hancock said the coronavirus figures in Liverpool mattered to him "because last month my step-grandfather Derek caught Covid there and on November 18 he died".



This is the epitome of those gassing up Covid. They say a family member or a friend died from it but when you press them on the details it’s actually someone they never even knew...just like the rest of us


In govt. Progandapains (campaigns) replace the word "virus" with liberty and the word "save" with tyranny. Control the virus becomes control the liberty. Save lives becomes save tyranny. "There were 50 new cases of liberty today. We must save the tyranny and eliminate the liberty".