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*Intermediate fights, not 'intermediary'.


Devon Sinclair

@Hasan that's because Khabib is one of a kind. He is a grappling master but most guys don't have 1% of his grappling and submission defence so they get caught much easier into submissions. Boxers quit all the time it just gets overlooked. Many tkos in boxing are bascially the boxer quitting and looking for the referee to rescue them. As soon as the ref stops it they pretend like they wanted to go on but you can tell they quit. So this notion that boxers only quit when they take the knee or when they quit in the corner is nonsense if anyhting boxers quit way more than mma fighters. In boxing when you get hurt and dropped the ref gives you a standing count where most people quit like I just said whereas in mma if you get dropped you don't have the chance to recover the opponent goes in for the kill on the ground with ground and pound. This is also a reason why boxers get brain damage because when you get dropped and the ref separates the opponent from finishing you by giving you a count sometimes you can beat the count and be saved by the bell or manage to recover by clinching but that fighter clearly got concussed and they are going to take many more blows and further injure themselves. That's why you see all these bleeding on the brain stories in boxing because it's very unsafe with the standing count.


Believe it or not – the ring announcer for that Audley fight was my next door neighbour Me and my missus at the time used to drive him crazy arguing with each other – we were Itchy & Scratchy