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1) The reason Johnson delayed the lockdown until Thursday rather than implementing it sooner is because it has not yet been approved by parliament. The MP's will vote on whether or not to approve it, this Wednesday.

2) The US elections are happening on Tuesday, the day before the UK lockdown vote.

3) Thursday the 5th of November- the date planned for lockdown -is 'Guy Fawkes night'. For those of you not from the UK, or not familiar with British history, I'll explain what this is. Guy Fawkes night is an annual celebration in the UK to commemorate the torture and execution of a Catholic dissident (Guy Fawkes), who along with several co-conspirators, hatched a plot to kill King James by blowing up the Parliament building in 1605. Their plot failed, and all of the conspirators were tried and executed.

I do not for one moment believe all of these events happening in the same week is mere coincidence. My suspicion is that there are lots of MP's- especially Tories -who are waiting to see the outcome of the US election before deciding whether to vote for or against lockdown. The reason I suspect this, is because like most normies, MP's are only interested in aligning themselves with whoever they perceive to be 'the winning side'. As we know, Britain has been America's closest European ally for over 80 years now. And, in truth, has acted as little more than America's lapdog since the fall of the British Empire. Britain basically follows whatever America does, for the most part. And thus I suspect a lot of MP's are waiting to see which direction America is going in, before casting their ballots. I believe the vote was scheduled for after the US election specifically for this reason. If Trump wins lockdowns will be fazed out, but if Biden wins they will probably continue.

Furthermore, the occult significance of planning lockdown for November 5th seems so obvious to me. But how we should interpret it remains unclear. It's a date which celebrates the British royal family vanquishing a plot by agents of their enemy (the Vatican/Pope). Do the deep state imagine themselves in the role of King James, and dissident members of the public in the role of Guy Fawkes and his co-conspirators? If so, does this also suggest that there are powerful forces behind the dissident movement, as there was behind Guy Fawkes? Is this an indication that there is actually a power struggle going on between different factions of the deep state?

Choosing between the British Royal Family and the Vatican isn't much of a choice really, is it? Both are terrible lol. And I feel the same today- Trump/Biden is not a choice between good and evil, it's about choosing the lesser of two evils lol. And ostensibly that would appear to be Trump. But the duplicitous nature of politics is such, that I don't say this with any great confidence lol

Ultimately, we are the masters of our own fate/destiny, not politicians. Some of them may serve our interests in certain situations, as a byproduct of serving their own. And we may see that here with Trump. But politicians are fickle, and thus cannot be relied upon. This is why many social engineers have historically backed both sides in wars, conflicts, and political power struggles. They realised they couldn't rely on one particular party, they had to try and co-opt people in all parties. Their relationship with a political party or movement, is typically little more than a marriage of convenience. Ultimately, they only trust and believe in themselves, not politicians, and we must learn from that and do the same.

But as far as the possible ramifications of the US election result; if Biden wins I suspect America will descend into widespread civil unrest and violence. Trump's core support base are white, gun owning, confederate sympathising nationalists. And it is this demographic who have shown by far the greatest resistance to lockdown measures, and are the most militant section of American society. They despise the left with a passion, and I'm sure they will conclude that the election was rigged if Biden wins. The white liberals are scared of white nationalists, so there wouldn't be much physical conflict between them. Instead, the white liberals will use black Americans (as usual) to fight that battle for them.

If Trump wins I suspect covid restrictions will be significantly rolled back across most states. In turn, Britain will eventually follow suit. After Brexit, a new trade deal will be struck with America, substandard food regulations will be introduced (similar to those in America, inferior to EU food regulations), workers rights will be diminished, and the NHS will be sold off in fairly short order. There will also be massive austerity, and I suspect the Universal Basic Income idea will be shelved. It's a simple case of moving away from socialism and more towards capitalism, really. There are pros and cons. But for me, personally, it's infinitely preferable to the Chinese style communist technocracy the left are hell bent on creating.



I REALLY hope Trump wins. Just to show the loud loony left that they aren't the majority, that they aren't winning even though the media etc tries to brainwash us to be pro left. Brexit, Boris, Trump all votes against the left and I'm here for it. I cannot stand them. Hatman hit the nail on the head when he said that the people screaming lockdown, blm, lgbtq etc would be the brainwashed people killing jews and owning slaves. Just do as they are told. I literally said the same thing to my husband just before Hatman said it. So true.


Looking fwd to the podcast this week hatman get ready 👊🏾👊🏾