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Yes Hatman! Been a subscriber since 2011 my man. I feel like you’ve become somewhat of a distant family member at this point. Lol. Only just signed up to your Patreon. Glad to hear you’re not one with the sheep and pushing the right agenda here. There’s some very intelligent people out here pushing against this corrupt governments agenda using Common law in a common law court to try and hold these people accountable for what is happening right now. Like you said, the simps will follow the herd, whilst people like us will use our best qualities to fight against this situation they’ve presented us with. Keep the fight on brother and more importantly Keep the videos coming.

Mark Richardson

Boris Johnson is a fucking shambolic clueless twat. The sooner he is voted out the better. But then again he would just be replaced by an even bigger piece of shit. Labour would be no different they are both cheeks of the same arsehole. They don't give a damn about small business owners. They are vile disgusting scumbags.