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Crypt Torque

One thing I have observed on YouTube (as it's the only social media I use so cant really speak about others) is that the majority of comments seem to denounce the BLM movement. I haven't watched every piece of content and read every comment but at a glance, this is what I see. Gives me hope that there are more rational people then I thought still in the world but also proves that this is just social engineering exercise enabled and fuelled by the powers that be even though the majority dont agree, it doesnt matter, it's still going to be rammed home.


Hatman, why do you not agree with homosexual behavior and their lifestyle, even though their that way inclined? is it because you find the intimacy of two people of the same sex unprogressive in society or that you find it "disgusting", or what? would like to hear your thoughts mate, new patreon member from New Zealand