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During the lock down suicides will definitely go up. People who live alone will feel isolated, especially those who have now lost their jobs- or who's businesses have gone bust -and have debts. Unemployment will skyrocket. The giant corporations like Amazon (and others) will swoop in once the lock down is lifted and end up with an even bigger share of the market than they had already. The thousands, or even millions of unemployed will be forced to take up jobs with these corporations. I've been saying for years- the powers that be want an end to independent businesses, and self sufficiency in general. Decade after decade all we've seen is governments give more and more power to corporations- handing out over 90 billion in yearly subsidies (in the UK alone) and allowing them to avoid tax -while small businesses are given little to nothing and are taxed up to the eyeballs.

This Coronavirus thing is being used as a power grab by certain global corporations & governments. Or are you naive enough to think that it's all "conincidental"? All just a coincidence that this situation will massively empower certain global corporations even more once the smoke clears? Coincidence theorists are the ones who sat back while Nazi Germany was built and cheered them on, or when communist Russia was built, or even communist China. Coincidnce theorists are now sitting back and watching a tyranny being built around them, IN BRITAIN TODAY, right in front of their eyes, and they're NOT QUESTIONING the motives behind it at all! History repeats its self because people refuse to learn from it. Any increased power that government acquires is ALWAYS coincidental in their eyes. Because they are hopelessly handicapped by this DOGMATIC BELIEF that government has our best interests at heart, irrespective of how much evidence they see to the contrary.


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