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An economies strength is relative to other economies. So if all the other major economies are suffering as well, it doesn't make much difference, in a relative sense. Many businesses are suffering- but the government is offering loans to "help". "Come and be in debt to us. We won't repossess your business if you fail to repay. You can trust us, honest". Besides, does the government even care about the economy, or just the private companies they have personal shares in? 

Other companies are actually doing very well right now though. The amount of money the supermarkets are making is astronomical. And the thousands of manufacturers who supply those supermarkets. It's been like x-mas eve EVERY DAY in the shops for the last 10 days. Never seen anything like it. The TV companies and online newspapers are also making an absolute fortune- their viewing figures and websites hits are through the roof, and probably will be for months to come. So while some companies are suffering, others are absolutely creaming it right now. 

The media are having an absolute field day. I went gym yesterday, and the head coach refused to shake anyone's hand. He was just sat glued to the telly on the wall, watching news updates. The fear has absolutely crippled people. It's got grown adults clawing each others eyes out over bog roll, and BEGGING for government tyranny. This whole thing is a fascinating case study in crowd psychology. It's like Edward Bernays' wet dream lol



Having seen how the population has behaved recently I’m not surprised the elites refer to us as the herd and useless eaters. People are fucking dumb.


We need to speak urgently on this corona scam I have ground breaking info that everyone has to know , all people have to do is search event 201 and ID2020 . we need to talk to get the info out please contact me I don’t know how else to get in contact with you, people will connect the dots once this vital information is out , we have to act now as time is running out and they will censor the net very soon