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No I DO NOT watch this ABSURD show, I don't watch TV or even own one lol (since 2007), but someone brought this to my attention. It's apparently a 'hot topic' at the moment in Britain lol...Some black girl on this reality show is apparently experiencing 'colourism' because none of the (mostly white) guys fancy her. Absolutely ABSURD! 

As I've said many times- and as should be obvious to anyone with two working eyes and a brain- the majority (more than 50%) of people on this earth are INSTINCTIVELY more physically attracted to members of THEIR OWN RACE than they are to people of other races. This is natural, normal, to be expected, and certainly nothing to be crying yourself to sleep over. 

The race mixing agenda is literally being FORCED upon us. Woe betide anyone who refuses to conform- lest you be branded a 'racist'. You are simply NOT ALLOWED to find other races any less attractive than your own. Your natural instinctive preferences are to be forcibly suppressed, and/or rewired. There are even transsexuals crying 'discrimination' when straight men refuse to date them now! Madness!



Instagram : @Murad_Merali



All mad in the dunya


I know an east african girl who only fancies white people because she was sexually abused as a young child by her black step father. I do agree with the notion that it is better and more easier to stick with your own race, however for some they are emotionally scarred to give their own race a chance.