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Today's podcast will the last one in which I cover the topic of Islam at any length for a while- 1)because I feel like I'm just repeating myself at this point, 2)because I'm not religious, so it's not my job nor intention to try and sell the religion. I simply wanted to give some balance to an extremely unbalanced, inaccurate, and skewed western view, and I think I've done that now.

Vitali Klitschko was raised in the Soviet Union, and he said he was constantly told by his parents and authority figures how terrible things were in the USA. When he finally went there he said he was actually SCARED because of all the things he'd been told growing up, but needless to say he was shocked to discover that it wasn't nearly as bad as he had expected. America has plenty of problems, of course, but it was nowhere near as bad as the soviet propaganda he'd been exposed to had lead him to believe. Propaganda is very powerful, and extremely dangerous, and ALL countries use it to varying degrees.

I wanted to open people's eyes to the fact that today, in the west, people are literally besieged by Islamophobic propaganda. It's absolutely relentless.




Hatman bro you say that Non religious people can be manipulated into accepting anything well religious people can be manipulated into committing murder and committing suicide.


Is there more podcasts like this that are more recent? I