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One thing I must remind you of- in light of some recent comments -is that I am not in favour of multiculturalism. So when some white Brits are upset by their culture and way of life being diluted or washed away by foreign immigration I can definitely sympathise with that. But the culture of the immigrants is also being washed away and diluted- which is one of the main intentions of the social engineers behind mass immigration. They want to destroy ALL pre existing cultures and replace them with something new. Understand that it is not just European culture which is being destroyed but also Muslim culture, and every other culture around the world at varying rates. I know, because I've been to many countries over the years and seen how everywhere is becoming more similar. Cultures which try to shield themselves from this encroaching 'globalization' are often the ones being demonized. North Korea anyone? They want every country to be multiracial, multicultural, income taxed, fully monetized into debt/wage slavery, pro gay, feminized, emasculated etc....They want this everywhere, in every country, among every race. Worldwide. And it's happening.



Nice work Hatman – a video title suggestion for you:- Group Identity vs Personal Responsibility – can they be reconciled? I don’t think it’s any surprise that when people have become infantilised, less confident and more enfeebled, they have started to cling increasingly tightly to group identity. One thing I profoundly disagree with you about is the practising of ‘group economics’, which sounds like some ghastly hybrid of socialism, protectionism and flat-out racism. The implication of ‘group economics’ is that people of a certain race or origin owe each other a living – can’t possibly agree with that in this lifetime or the next. I’d be interested in your take on whether stuff like group economics can sit comfortably with individual agency and, if so, precisely how. Thanking you kindly.


<a href="http://www.badassyoungmen.com/emasculates.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.badassyoungmen.com/emasculates.html</a> Thought you might find this article interesting, talks about how men are being emasculated in modern society and what can be done to stop it