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It doesn't matter if you're far right, far left, gay, straight, black, white, Asian, Christian, Muslim, Atheist, Jew, conservative, liberal or whatever- If you're in the mainstream media year in, year out- either being attacked or praised (no publicity is bad publicity)- and given a platform to have your say, then the powers that be have allowed it to happen. And if they allowed it to happen then it can only mean one of two things- either you're not a serious threat to them, and/or you're actually very useful to them whether you realise it or not. Genuine rebels who represent a real threat to power will be silenced or disappeared, one way or another- and it certainly won't take them years to do the job. Think of all the people who knew about Jimmy Savile for decades and tried to blow the whistle. They were silenced! There was very little media coverage of these things while Savile was alive. No consistent platform given to the victims to speak. When the powers that be want to silence you, you will be silenced. There's no pussyfooting around. And so by logical deduction; those who are not silenced or disappeared- pose no serious threat to power. This is why I have never bought into the Corbyn hype either.




Interesting perspective as always Hatman but there's a couple of points I disagree. "It doesn't matter if you're far right, far left, gay, straight, black, white, Asian, Christian, Muslim, Atheist, Jew, conservative, liberal or whatever- If you're in the mainstream media year in, year out- either being attacked or praised (no publicity is bad publicity)- and given a platform to have your say, then the powers that be have allowed it to happen. " I'm sure that in certain cases this is correct but having agitators on also brings in views and therefore money and the West works on capitalism, it's not just power, it's money and power. You've missed that in your argument. "And if they allowed it to happen then it can only mean one of two things- either you're not a serious threat to them, and/or you're actually very useful to them whether you realise it or not. " If we take the case of Tommy Robinson. I'm not sure how helpful he is to them because he's making the electorate distrustful of the two major parties. Half a million people signed his petition, that's grassroots power irrelevant of what you may think of his politics. I personally believe you should be allowed to criticise religion and I think he brings eyes to ignored victims, had he made people more hateful? Yes I imagine so but he's unfortunately a secondary problem. By his own account they've already had one go at taking him out in prison when he was put in a cell with convicted Muslim terrorists, this contempt of court case could be seen as another to shut him up, what restrictions will they put on him after he gets out? He got done for mortgage fraud and the court put reporting restrictions on him, doesn't have anything to do with fraud so why would they do that if he was a useful idiot? He's more dangerous than you think to them. He was also the media because a that point most thought he was a racist, a panto villain put up so you have someone to throw metaphorical tomatoes at. Same with Nigel Farage. I don't that the Government even imagined that we would be taken out of Europe. It shows because how unready they were for it when the country voted out. Not everything is pre-decided and there's only so much influence they can push on us. This isn't 1984 yet however close we're getting to it. I don't think they're as in control as you seem to think they are. Also remember even elites disagree, this isn't a hive mind, it's the want to collect power but there's not set rules of how to go about getting it. The electorate have become very distrustful of media and government narratives and government will be weary of taking people out who are in the public eye. Tony Blair got away with it in a time of more trust and faith in the way Government works. Now people are looking at them sideways, and that's a good thing.