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 Tommy Robinson was given a national platform, on mainstream TV- Good Morning Britain with Piers Morgan- to air his views and be heard by the nation. Everything he does is given constant media coverage year in year out- this is a fact. You simply do not get that unless the powers that be allow it, or want it. Meaning they certainly do not fear him at all. The treatment of him is to sell him as a rebel. If he was a true rebel he'd have been shut down, silenced, or taken out long ago- like Dr David Kelly was. It's easily done. He's an establishment stooge- whether he realizes it or not. They may just view him as 'a useful idiot'. Perhaps when he's outlived his usefulness he will be silenced- but for now, he's clearly very useful to them. They want to provoke outrage and divide the nation- 'divide and rule' is one of the oldest and most effective tactics of control. It's what the British Empire -and many other empires- were built upon. There were books written about it.

And as far as my views on Tommy Robinson supposedly being 'influenced by the media'- where have most people's views on Islam come from? Have you lived in the middle east, in an Arab/Muslim community to know what it's really like? I have. My views on Islam come from first hand experience, not from the media. Who else can say the same? And my views on the far right come from first hand experience too- when I arrived in Britain with my family in the 80's, we had dog shit through our letter box, 'niggers go home' sprayed on our front door, and all manner of other things. There were skinhead gangs roaming around attacking black and Asian people long before 'the war or terror', grooming gangs, etc. In Eltham alone, there were several unprovoked murders of 'ethnic' people- Stephen Lawrence was not the only one- look it up. But I never experienced anything like that when I lived in a Muslim community, yet I'm not a Muslim, nor an Arab. Of course there are issues I have with some Muslim communities, but again, these are things I saw and experienced first hand, not things I was told by the media. And unlike the likes of Robinson and his ilk, and the majority of the mainstream media in the west- I talk about the good, as well as the bad in Muslim communities. And trust me, there's far more good than bad.

But when it comes to people like Robinson, Chowdry, Trump, or whoever- it's a case of people feeling so disaffected, that they desperately latch on to any 'hero' or 'rebel' who is marketed towards them as such- in the media. The media has to attack these people in order to sell them as being legitimate rebels. 




Hatman I think I can offer an educated opinion on this like you I'm also an outsider looking in I'm a gypsy born and raised on caravan sites left school at 11 the job lot. Let me tell you this Muslim's talk to Gypsy's very differently to what we call gorgers non Gypsy's! Gypsy's and Muslim's have very similar moral compasses so they talk more open and let me tell you there views on white British is that there dirty Morales's animals ! Which is how they can justify having such a big slice of the drug trade because in there eyes there eyes there only poisoning the infidels so what's the big deal! And I'm ashamed to travelers can have the same mindset don't get me wrong and it disgusts me ! I've been apart of conversations were we are talking about terrorism and there fucking laughing about it saying its there own fault because what a bunch of politicians did in Iraq fucking saying littlekids blown up at a concert was a good thing driving cars into crowds of people a good thing aid workers having there heads cut off in Syria on camera a good thing ! I'm not saying this is all of British Muslim's far far from it it but radical Islam exists and it's very very real and it's very very scary !


If he is a stooge then hes one of the best, ruining and risking his life to help the government who only produce negative media on him to divide the nation.