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Where's this mainstream platform? Everything he does is independent, crowd funded by and large. Almost every mainstream journo, newspaper, tv company, MPs, aka 'the establishment', is delighted that he has been jailed for the crime of reporting on the trial of one of the numerous child rape gangs. Check out the judge in his case, watching and smirking from the window of the court as TR got nicked, put on "trial" and jailed, all within a few days. Then a reporting restriction was imposed threatening to arrest anyone who reported on this! Shame such swift "justice" wasn't available for the thousands of children raped by the gangs TR dared to talk about. So much for their privilege in society. TR maybe an idiot sometimes, he maybe wrong on some things, but I don't see how he is an establishment agent given the way he has been treated. Watch this interview and see if the right ring racist tag is fair or not. <a href="https://youtu.be/f7yeJmy4E2c" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/f7yeJmy4E2c</a>


Where's the mainstream platform?? He was on ITV on Good Gorning Britain with Piers Morgan. Everything he does has been given constant media coverage for years and years....you simply do not get that unless the powers that be allow it, or want it. Meaning they certainly do not fear him. The treatment of him is to sell him as a rebel. if he was a true rebel he'd have been shut down, silenced, or take out long ago- like Dr David Kelly. It's easily done. I'm 99.9% convinced he's an establishment stooge- whether he realizes it or not. They may just view him as 'a useful idiot'.


Where's the mainstream platform?? He was on ITV on Good Gorning Britain with Piers Morgan. Everything he does has been given constant media coverage for years and years....you simply do not get that unless the powers that be allow it, or want it. Meaning they certainly do not fear him. The treatment of him is to sell him as a rebel. if he was a true rebel he'd have been shut down, silenced, or take out long ago- like Dr David Kelly. It's easily done. I'm 99.9% convinced he's an establishment stooge- whether he realizes it or not. They may just view him as 'a useful idiot'.


Lol, come of it bruv, a handful of tv interviews in 10 years don't count for much, especially as they had no intension of a genuine conversation but wanted to paint him as a cartoon character racist thug. 99% of his profile is via alternative internet platforms and the standard social media accounts we all have, Facebook, twitter etc. The mainstream media go out of their way to slander him which suggests they do fear him or why are they so keen for us all to adopt group think and not make our own minds up? As for the REAL establishment, the 'deep state', the string pullers, shadow govt, whatever the fck, well they don't fear anybody, so yeah they will try and play and manipulate everyone of us whether we like it or not. I still see no evidence of this man being a fake, a bit stupid maybe at times but he's trying to fight for his working class community and I ain't gonna knock man for that.