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@Hatman, Do you believe in complete freedom of speech? I personally have grievances with this concept because the same freedom of speech that everyone wishes to advocate is the same freedom of speech that will allow and give free pass to hatemongers and people with destructive ideologies to spread their poison. I think you should do a podcast on this and explore it in more detail with arguments for and against. If I could have it my way I would want people like Anjem Choudary and those of his ilk silenced. Edit: I re-listened to what you said about Freedom of Speech and it is not complete freedom of speech as you don't agree with those who advocate violence. Nonetheless, I think you should do a podcast on this, it is a very interesting topic. I think we are similar in understanding of freedom of speech, although I believe in even more restriction to this concept, as I would want some speech which may not necessarily lead to violence also silenced. 2nd Edit: You mentioned the example of someone using a racist slur, I personally do not agree with anybody using such words and I believe they are to be reprimanded in such a way that they are taught. I would'nt want them locked up as let's say for example a single mum used a racist word and then she was locked up, who would look after her child? I think people need to be reprimanded/disciplined proportionately. I believe in excusing ignorant people so long as they are taught.


Tommy Robinson use to shot for a big time dealer in Luton known as 'Smoothy'... Smoothy (who is of Pakistani descent) f*** Tommys wife at the time, this is where his hatred of muslims and Asians stems from