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peter lally

It is a disgrace, but to be fully fair, I would say it was a day for English people, not foreigners like yourself and most in your group (including me, I was born in London, but of Irish parents). The English people I know were glowing with pride after this, almost like a religion with some of them. When Diana died, it was the English who came out, not the foreigners. I think you have to say this is their country, their culture. Then again, when your own people have been oppressed by these gangsters, and you're paying for the weddings of Billionaires, the BS is through the roof........ Amazing to me how they have managed to turn it round from the monarchy under question in the 90's, to the current situation - the propaganda was relentless, and it works.


Hatman, could you do a separate podcast on how the Royals choose suitable partners? I'd be interested to know your thoughts on that. We're sold the idea that "commoners" are now marrying into the royal family but obviously there are only a fringe minority of people they would choose from