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solomon ultra

i've put a description of the overall view of Grandmaster bachelorhood and skimmed over the 1st stage which is the neophyte stage. I never thought there would be a time when I would talk about this because i was just using it for myself because I needed the mental clarity, but MGTOW are seriously misdirecting people .


Never a dull moment Hatman – and I’ve not heard anything on here I’d consider to be disappointing or below average. Like the content, especially the stuff I profoundly disagree with. Some subjects I’d be interested in your take on:- 1 – the entitlement culture, the attempt by people from most social strata to demand special/preferential treatment and then frame a philosophy or belief system around that afterwards (psychologically most people tend to identify their wants and then create the rationalisation to justify getting them). Trouble with sheeple is they’re insecure and lack confidence, they need free stuff and constant external validation. This IMO is why so many have spun off into mad and dysfunctional identitarian groups, be they of the tribal left or the tribal right. Thoughts appreciated. 2 – the burden of the toxic family. Without going into too much detail, as a non-sheep growing up around proud sheeple who reacted exactly the way they were supposed to to the received wisdom of the time, I can tell you this is an immensely frustrating and difficult situation in which to live, especially if you have sheeple for parents and they perceive your asking questions as ‘rebellious’ or ‘insolent’ behaviour. The thing with received/conventional wisdom is it’s pumped out on such a scale and in such a fashion as to make the most idiotic feel smug and superior, while dismissing anyone who dares ask “why?” as a crank, contrarian or conspiranoid. Again, the floor is yours… Re – philosophy, individual freedom/responsibility is by far the most logically consistent philosophy IMO and surely the easiest to defend in an argument without contradicting yourself too much? Our colleague’s grandmaster bachelor philosophy seems to have elements of ‘rugged individualism’ within it so I too would be very interested in hearing more, perhaps an appearance on the podcast or a crossover episode I dunno? Anyway, that’s more than enough – over and out…


My views are 1-Its to do with the speed that society moves nowadays people want instant gratification and a fast moving society will also keep the masses distracted.I personally think people getting tattoos is a self confidence thing or lack of it.This fast moving society is also all about hype and hype creates polarity, think about how fast peoples perception of something changes nowadays-he won he is the greatest in history -he lost he is absolutely shit,no in-between just polarity and division.Left and right and you are forced to choose even if you look at politics you probably like things about both parties I do (not that I'm interested in voting) but you are forced to choose one and hate the other side-To rule is to divide and conquer. 2-The subtle art of not giving a fuck.The parents were born into something that they cannot break out off,you getting angry about it is only you holding an emotional weight on your back.So the key is acceptance,you love them as your parents and they won't change so accept them for what they are.You will find that with acceptance and not carrying unceccsary emotional weight in your thoughts then you actually can your thoughts across in a far more subtle manner.