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Hatman this could be nonsense but I read a link that said Avicii was killed as he tried to expose a peadophile ring in a music video. While this could be nonsense , I’m not buying it at all what the news is saying about he was ill from drug and alcohol abuse but felt pressured to carry on DJing despite putting his life at risk! That has to be bullshit for sure as anyone would surely quit and change their lifestyle if their current one was risking their life plus the excuse that he didn’t quit due to pressure (from fans I’m assuming) has no real weight I’m not convinced. what do you make if it all given the fact you’ve spoken about people in power behind the scenes involving peodophile rings ect?


It's funny how Rachel Dozzell who wanted to change her race was mocked but yet Bruce Jenner was praised. When it's really the same thing.