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I'm also interested in group psychology and ways to reconcile conflict. I'd recommend reading this piece on the subject. Tell me what you think. <a href="https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jordan_Peterson2/publication/235336060_Peacemaking_among_higher-order_primates/links/0fcfd510fe82dc2d9d000000/Peacemaking-among-higher-order-primates.pdf?origin=publication_detail" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jordan_Peterson2/publication/235336060_Peacemaking_among_higher-order_primates/links/0fcfd510fe82dc2d9d000000/Peacemaking-among-higher-order-primates.pdf?origin=publication_detail</a>

peter lally

I think you are right that people would be happier in simple hunter gatherer societies, modern life has created an epidemic of stress and isolation. Like you say, it is impossible to go back, as humanity is unlikely to lose the knowledge that it has gained. Even if it could, and could no longer invent, human greed is eternal - there would always be some who would try to take advantage of others. I think human greed is the problem. The only answer against war and destruction in our era, I think, is for new political parties to be created, where it is full of good and able people, and that it gains power and leads a nation in an enlightened way, that would encourage those in other countries to try it themselves. I suspect the spiritual, not the rational, will be the driver if it happens. I think whatever system man creates, there is an eternal battle between good and evil, and people are forced to fight. I cannot believe that Egypt, as an Empire (not a Nation) in an Age of Empires, would be that much different from its neighbouring ancient civilisations, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Assyrian, etc ie it was based on slavery and misery for the majority. The only force I know of against slavery is religious, eg the Abolitionist movement in the West was Christinan. Perhaps Kemit had long periods of not fighting their neighbours, I would guess the North African and Arabian deserts would make them relatively protected geographically from attack. Aztecs - I do look at the violence of modern day Mexico and just wonder if they are by nature a more than averagely violent people. Normally, unless there is conscription, basic soldiers come from the poorest parts of a country. I have seen UK and US soldiers talk about coming from areas where there is nothing, no future, poor prospects. Then I guess there must be darker parts you talk of within them, that attract them to the military. After that, you can get a military culture building up in those areas, that makes it more attractive. For the Vietnam War (had to look this up) there was conscription, so most youngsters had to go. For the British Empire, a lot was gained through greedy businessmen, rather than an imperial policy to attack weaker nations eg The East India Company moved into the Indian Subcontinent, used mercenaries, and eventually created the Raj, before the Crown took over (British soldiers to this day still work as mercenaries to steal natural resources in war torn countries). Then for America, it was protestant religious refugees who were the most influential there, though down South the companies made the most money. Only later the Crown tried to take control. Business men were behind the grabbing of Islands such as Taiwan, to enable them to make profit from trade Ieg of Opium). I have read there was competition between the Imperial Powers to have an Empire, but I can say for Britain at least, from what I read, that a lot was just the typical ruthless British business / criminal endeavour, with the Crown following up later. I do think there is some deeper state planning, but administration, for anyone who has worked even in an office, is typically at least partially incompetent. What we need is good quality History teaching in schools, make it compulsory like Mathematics and English. It would help us all to understand the current world much better, and be less easily manipulated. Keep up the good work Hatman!